Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blog 18: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #3

1. What is the most important element to a successful E-commerce website for small business management?
2.Utilize social media tie ins as a way to raise awareness and increase traffic to a website.
  • In an interview with, Jim Skaggs an IT manager for Speakercraft, he advised me to shoot for at least a thousand, Facebook likes on a page for a website as a good jumping off point for awareness.
  • In an article called the "Importance of Networking," Mathew Carpenter used to secure promotion and Diggs for his new blog. He also spoke of a service to buy a front page spot, but you don't have to do that.
  • Ryan Goodrich suggest sharing content with social media users, so that they may share it and it'll reach the millions of Facebook users or other social media site they might use.
5. I can learn more by sharing on social media websites and  promoting things with it. Also I could look into what gets likes and why?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. What is the most important element to a successful E-Commerce web site for small business management?
2. How do you use Fitt's law of efficiency when you place buttons or links?
3. How do you set the color scheme for websites?
4. Why would it be better to have only a few attention drawing items on a page?
5. How would you determine the proportions of different items on the page, due to importance?
6. How do you decide what to advertise on the web page?
7. How do you advertise on the web for a web site?
8. How do you advertise for a web site off the web?
9. Why is a navigation bar important?
10. How are columns are an effective tool to organize the page?
11. Why does a mobile version of a web site have less functionality?
12. How does search engine optimization help give you the upper hand on the market?
13. How would the use of a cart system be beneficial to creating a streamline experience?
14. How does allowing accounts benefit the consumer and create encouragement to return?
15. Why are previews and pictures important to support the sale of a product?
16. How would a search tool improve the experience for the customer?
17. How can customer feedback be utilized to improve the web site?
18. Why would social media tie ins be helpful to raise awareness about the website?
19. How does customer rating and comments encourage return to the site?
20. Why can a special deals preview help with sales?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog 16: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #2

My EQ is:  What is the most important element to a successful E-Commerce web site for small business management?
My second answer to the EQ is to have an intuitive UI for a pleasant and streamline experience for customers.
For example my 2nd source, "5 Basic Rules of Web Page Design and Layout," states that the site should be easy to navigate because people get frustrated and will lose interest quickly if they can't understand your navigation system. My 12th source, "Basic Web Design 101," taught me that I should keep the web site clean and organized so that the user isn't overwhelmed or distracted by everything they see. And my 15th source, "Applying Fitts’ Law To Mobile Interface Design," evaluates the efficiency of mouse movement across the screen.
I plan to continue my study of answer 2 by doing more research on how to design a better UI and by finding examples of my details on other sites.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

I plan on working with my mentor to build an E-commerce web site.
Building a web site takes time and could vary based on the clients needs and wants. Also it's more mentorship.
This will help me answer EQ by giving me the experience of building an actual Ecommerce website.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

I, Xavier Albarran, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

Jonathan Rosales and

  • The C++ part of my independent component was a introduction to code language and how it works. It gave me an insight on how important correct syntax is to the program even starting up.
  • Image manipulation and altercation is important because being able to make a unique image for your website will set you apart from everyone else and will give you an identity.
  • And HTML is important to know because it is the language that most websites use to publish themselves.
  • This component  helped me understand the foundation of web design by giving me an insight to how the code looks to every page on the web. Like when I look into the source code of the blog, it gave me a better understanding of how the language works. It has also showed me the importance of syntax, like the time I missed the ";" at the end of the lane so the program didn't work. It has also showed me how simple it is to set up a server and how little it needs to work. It's so little that I could fit one on my laptop with it's depleted amount of space.