Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blog 4: Working EQ

  1. Because of the Research checks I have gathered more research on my topic then I would have in two months if i were left to my own devices.
  2. Source three gave me an insight to different jobs within the field of web design and how they approach it differently.
  3. Research checks and mentorship has given me a lot of information.
  4. The interview hasn't worked out because I haven't done that quite yet.
  5. Finding value:
  • What language would be most useful to me?
  • Help Edwin and Jorge build a website.
  • I would like to talk to Hannah's Dad next because he is a web designer, Jim Skaggs (mom's friend) a because he is an IT manager that told me a little about RAID 5, or I would like to contact Anthony J. Davies from because I found his website to be helpful.

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