Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blog 22: Final 3-Column Chart

Name:  Xavier Albarran                                    House:  West        Topic:  Web Design                      


Essential Question: What is the most important element to a successful E-commerce website for small business management?
Best Answer:

Statements Reasons Verification
1) What is the most important element to a successful E-commerce website for small business management? 1) Given 1)
2) The purpose of a website is to display content and deliver your message. 2) To define the purpose of a website is for so you know what the website does. 2) Curt Ziegler
3) E-commerce defines any business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of information over the internet. 3) We need to know what E-commerce so we know what a E-commerce website is. 3)
4) A successful E-commerce website consistantly attracts traffic and has returing users. 4) Define success in terms of E-commerce websites. 4) Jonathan Rosales
5) You can attract traffic to a website by advertising the website. 5) Since advertising attracts traffic, it creates success for the E-commerce website. 5) Ryan Goodrich
7) An advertisement campaign will be more successful if it has a target audience. 7) If the advertisement is important then it should be good advertising. 7)
8) Business sell and advertise based on the product they sell. 8) If you know how to advetise then your advertising will be good. 8) Derrick Daye

9) Answer 1: Advertise to a target audience base on the product you're selling. 9) If these are the best ways to advertise this will lead to the most success 9) Jim Skaggs
10) The User Interface (UI) of a website is the part of the website that the user see when on the website. 10) This defines the UI, one of the major elements that could make a E-commerce website successful. 10) Dain Miller

11) A user expereince (UX) how the user will feel about your website and how it runs. 11) Defines UX because it indicates the overall feeling the user received from the E-commerce website. 11)
12) If the UX of a website is good then the user will likely return and continue to use the website. 12) If the UX of a website creates returning costumers then it creates success for the website. 12) Jonathan Rosales
13) A good UI imporves the UX of the website which keeps visitors and continues to function effectivly as a webiste. 13) Show how the UI helps the website complete it's purpose and creates success for the E-commerce website. 13) Curt Ziegler
14) A bad UI is detrimental to UX given by the website and may cause leaving due to frustation or boredom. 14) If a UI is bad the it will create the opposite affect of a Good UI 14)
15) Answer 2: Using an intuitive and efficient UI for a pleasant and streamline experience. 15) A UI that creates a positive experience for the user will bring success to a E-commerce website. 15) Jonathan Rosales
16) Social media is a group of Internet-based applications that allow exchange content. 16) Defines social media which is a major element of the current internet and websites. 16) Jonathan Rosales
17) Raising awareness creates more traffic because it exposes more people to the website. 17)  Raising awareness generates traffic which creates success for the E-commerce website. 17) Jim Skaggs
18) Social media can raise awarenesss by exposing different users to the website. 18) Social media makes a website more successful by raising awareness. 18) Mathew Carpenter
19) Content or products shared through social media will raise awareness. 19) Using social media to share creates awareness. 19) Laura Roeder
20) Creating original content in addition to anything else on the website will improve the chances of you content being shared. 20) If more of your content is shared then it will create more awareness. 20) Ryan Goodrich
21) Utilize social media tie-ins as a way to raise awareness and increase traffic for the website. 21) Social media tie-ins that increase sharing will be a great way to create awareness. 21) Jim Skaggs
Last) Using an intuitive and efficient UI for a pleasant and streamline experience. If: Advertising to a target audience, designing a intuitive UI and social media tie-ins are elements that make an E-commerce website successful.
  Then: Designing an intuitive UI for a pleasant and streamline experience because if a user gets to the website from an advertisment and can not figure out how use it, will leave due to frustation. Also if the UI is good enough then user would spread the word without the help of social media tie-ins.

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